

Outdoor Sports Festival A.S.D. organizes, in collaboration with the Municipality of Capoliveri and local associations, the first edition of the “Elba Legend Run” on Sunday 6 October 2024, a walking race with water and food self-sufficiency. Four routes:

  • 60 km D+ 3000m – start 5.00 am sunday 6 October 2024
  • 25 km D+ 1150m – start 9.00 am sunday 6 October 2024
  • 13km D+ 600m – start 9.30 am sunday 6 October 2024
  • non competitive 13km D+ 600m – start 9.30 am sunday 6 October 2024

All information on www.elbalegenrun.it


60 km – 25 km -13 km competitive race

All adult athletes can register. Athletes who are serving suspensions for use of doping substances will not be accepted. Registration will open on May 28, 2024 and will close on September 30 or when the maximum number of participants is reached, set at 200 athletes for each distance.

13 km non competitive

This event is open to all people, men and women, who have reached the age of 18, by the day scheduled for the race. Participants must be in good health and in adequate psychophysical shape to face the differences in height that the route presents. Registration will open on May 27, 2024 and will close on September 30 or upon reaching the number of 200 participants for each distance.


The registration fee includes:
. race bib
. chip (for competitive distances)
. assistance along the way
. Event t-shirt
. refreshments along the route and final refreshment




Dal 28/05 al 9/06

Early Bird Rate!

Dal 10/06 al 31/08 Dal 1/09 al 30/09
60 Km 60€ 70€ 80€
25 Km 20€ 30€ 40€
13 Km 15€ 20€ 25€
13 Km non competitive 15€ 20€ 25€


In case of non-participation in the race, registration fees are not refundable under any circumstances.
However, the athlete unable to participate in the race will be offered two alternatives by 20 September 2024:

1) transfer the registration to the 2025 edition upon payment of an additional €. 15.00 secretarial fee and prior written notice by 20 sepember to info@elbalegendrun.it It is possible to take advantage of the transfer facility to the following year’s edition only once.

2) transfer the registration to another person upon payment of an additional fee of €. 15.00 for secretarial fees and upon prior notice by 20 September 2024 and written declaration by the person who renounces the registration to info@elbalegendrun.it
The person enrolled as a replacement must provide all personal information as if it were a new enrollment. It is possible to take advantage of the facility of transferring to another athlete only in the 2026 edition and in any case only once. The transfer of registration to another person cannot be combined with any other fare facilitations. 



Registration will be done through ENDU https://www.endu.net/it/events/elba-legend-run/



60 km – 25 km -13 km competitive race

For Italian athletes it is mandatory to send a copy of the valid competitive medical certificate for ATHLETICS. Those who only present the FIDAL card or other card will not be allowed to participate in the race. Foreign athletes will have to have the certificate published here filled out, stamped and signed by a doctor.



The bib collection will take place in Piazza Matteotti in Capoliveri from 10.00 to 19.00 on 5 October 2024 for all distances. For distances of 13km only, it will be possible to collect the bib also on Sunday from 7.00 to 8.30.

To collect the race bib it is mandatory to show a valid identity document.



The timing of the race is done with “chips” inserted into the race bib.

Please note

The chip will be on the bib
The bib is strictly personal and cannot be exchanged

Art. 8 START

Competitors must be at the start line 30 minutes before the start of the race. Near the departure point in Capoliveri there will be rooms used to store bags. The organization is not responsible for objects left inside the bag deposit.


The route of the Elba Legend Run 2024 – 60 km is classified with the red sticker: EE itinerary for expert hikers. Itinerary that requires the ability to move on particular terrains, rough and exposed tracks or paths.

The route is entirely marked out with tapes and/or direction signs. The kilometers are not marked. Competitors must strictly respect the marked race route, avoiding taking shortcuts or deviating sections of the route. Departure from the official route, in addition to leading to disqualification from the order of arrival, will take place at the sole risk of the competitor.

Art. 10 SAFETY

Organizational staff will be present at the most delicate points of the route. An ambulance with paramedical staff will be stationed in the arrival area.


The race takes place in totally protected natural parks and ecosystems. Competitors must behave in an environmentally friendly manner, in particular avoiding scattering waste, picking flowers or disturbing wildlife. Anyone caught abandoning waste along the route or having an inappropriate attitude will be disqualified from the race and will incur any sanctions provided for by municipal regulations.



In the event of significant weather phenomena (dense fog, strong thunderstorms, wind), the organization can make changes to the route, even at the last minute or during the course of the race, in order to eliminate potential dangers for the participants. Any changes will be communicated to participants and reported by the staff. The organization can also suspend or cancel the race if the weather conditions put the safety of participants, volunteers or rescuers at risk. In case of cancellation or suspension due to adverse weather conditions, there will be no refunds of the registration fee paid.


60 km – 25 km -13 km competitive race

Each athlete must have the following mandatory material, which will be checked at the start:

  • race bib with clearly visible number
  • headlamp (only for the 60km)
  • 1 liter of liquids with water bottle or camelbag
  • glass or bottle for water supply (there will be no glasses at the refreshment points)
  • Clothing appropriate for the period and weather of the day
  • mobile phone for any emergencies
  • Waterproof jacket or similar, suitable for withstanding bad weather conditions
  • Trail running shoes
  • Whistle


Immediate disqualification, with withdrawal of the race bib, is foreseen for the following infringements:
– Short-cutting the route
– abandonment of waste on the route
– not assisting a person in need
– insults or threats to organizers or volunteers
– refusal to submit to the mandatory material check
– lack of mandatory material
– loss or non-return of the chip



The time limit to complete the race is as follows:

60 km maximum time 15h
25 km maximum time 5h
13 km maximum time 3.5 hours

For the 60 km there is a cut-off time at km 36 at 1.00 pm (8h of race)  and a cut-off time at km 47 at 4.00 pm (11h of race) where a shuttle will be available for any withdrawals. 


You run in semi-self-sufficiency with the obligation to have a water supply of at least 1 liter. Semi-self-sufficiency is defined as the ability to be autonomous between two refreshment points, both from a food and equipment and safety point of view and to be able to adapt in the event of any problems encountered or foreseeable (bad weather, physical ailments, injuries…).

Art. 17 PRIZE

NO PRIZE MONEY WILL BE AWARDED. There are no cash prizes. Prizes will be awarded to the top 5 men and top 5 women in the three competitive races.



Every competitor expressly foregoes the right for any images during the event, just as they renounce any right of appeal to the organizers and their partners for the use of their image.



Voluntary registration and subsequent participation in the race indicate full acceptance of these regulations and any changes made. By registering, the participant exempts the organizers from any liability, both civil and criminal, for damage to people and/or things caused or derived by him.