Storm the Castle

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Storm The Castle 2018

Golfo di Baratti (LI)

A 16 km path through time, history and beauty of a unique landscape. Starting in the late afternoon, at 6 pm, on the great lawn in front of the famous beach of Baratti, when the “heat” of early summer finds it way in a passionate sunset.

Just few hundred meters after the starting point, the route enters the heart of the Archaeological Park of Baratti Populonia. Like a journey in time, the athletes run through the wide area of ​​the Etruscan necropolis extending itself over the entire ridge of the mountain overlooking Baratti. The runners go up towards the fortified acropolis on the top of the mountain, taking over, many centuries after its first conquest, the Populonia Castle,

From here the path descends down to the sea on Buca delle Fate. The final part is a sea path on a cliff with spectacular views of the Tyrrhenian Sea and Tuscan archipelago. Finally, the path finds its ending course on the beach of Baratti, where the sand with iron particles, coming from the Etruscans ovens, shine at sunset … all this of course, right in time for Aperitivo.


16km 500m D+


Saturday June 2, 6.00 pm
16 km competitive race. To partecipated is required a valid medical certificate specifically for sports racing activities.

Partecipation fee:

14€ from 12 march to 5 april

18€ from 6 april to 15 may

22€ from 16 may

is possible to enroll by ENDU.

Please read the participations rules here


10km 300m D+


Saturday June 2, 6.00 pm

10 km distance leisure walk and Nordic Walking. Medical certificate or sports activities suitable certificate is required.

Partecipation fee:

10€ from 12 march to 15 may

15€ from 16 may

is possible to enroll by ENDU.

Please read the participations rules here[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”15692″ border_color=”grey” img_link_target=”_self” img_size=”medium”][vc_column_text]





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